Workin’ that Network: Part 1

Credit: Google Images

Credit: Google Images

Remember how I haphazardly scored an internship with a financial advisory group in the fall? That same company invited me to a preliminary meeting in hopes they could form their own advisory board! However it was going to take place after I was to return from spring break. I approached my professors and each allowed me to miss class to attend the event.


Because this was an amazing opportunity for me to network with professionals from all walks of life…and I did. In one room a doctor, a lawyer, a humanitarian, teachers, a principal, people in public relations, marking and sales positions all shared at least one thing in common – we were all community members (clients) of this financial group.

And here I am in this room – a server, and a student.

I was in awe of the people around me and had the opportunity to connect with a few right off the bat. In short, the board would be select and the members of the board would work together for the betterment of this company…yes…for free.

So why waste my time working for free you ask? Continue reading